Our Memberships & Affiliations
Our team and our wider group maintains involvement with the following organisations, presented alphabetically
BDEW – Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V.
The German BDEW (Federal Association of Energy and Water Management) represents over 1,900 companies. Its mission is climate-neutral energy supply, security of supply, sustainable water management as well as profitability and investment security. According to the BDEW the volunteer committees are at the heart of the association’s work; this is where the industry positions are developed and discussed. All supply groups, sectors and value-added stages of their membership are represented.
CertifHy® contributes to and promotes the sustainable production of hydrogen for all types of uses including energy, transportation, chemical conversion, heating and power generation, hence providing environmental, social and economic benefits
DIN EN 16325
DIN EN 16325 rev – DIN Standards Committee Principles of Environmental Protection: This document specifies requirements for Guarantees of Origin of electricity from all energy sources and of Hydrogen. This standard will establish the relevant terminology and definitions, requirements for registration, issuing, transferring and cancellation in line with the RED and Cogeneration. This standard will specify how to create accounts and associated ownership rights. This standard will also cover measuring methods and auditing procedures. These Guarantees of Origin may be traded and/or used for Disclosure/Labelling. This standard is suitable for certification purposes. This standard will specify the requirements on the issuing bodies and on the auditing bodies
Eco-Lighthouse Scheme
Eco-Lighthouse is a national environmental certification scheme run by the Eco-Lighthouse Foundation. The foundation was established in 2003 by leading business and government entities. A digital system gives companies practical tools to help them work systematically on improving their environmental performance in the areas working environment, waste management, energy consumption, purchasing and transport. Å Energi was certified under the Eco-Lighthouse scheme in 2016, and its certification was renewed in 2019 and in 2022 (valid until 2025)
EFET – European Federation of Energy Traders
EFET, the European Federation of Energy Traders, was established in 1999. Their mission is to promote competition, transparency, and open access in the European energy sector. They work to build trust in power, gas and carbons markets across Europe, so that those markets may underpin a sustainable, efficient and secure energy supply and enable the transition to a carbon neutral economy. EFET does develop and maintain standard wholesale supply contracts and standardising related transaction and business processes
Eurelectric 24/7 RES-E Task Force
The 24/7 RES-E Task Force is coordinated by Eurelectric and the RE-Source Platform. The Task Force includes more than 60 large energy consumers, producers, TSOs, DSOs, and related stakeholders working to identify what steps are required to move towards a more granular accounting of renewable energy on a timeframe of one hour or less
International Hydropower Association (IHA)
The International Hydropower Association (IHA) is a non-profit membership association. They represent organisations committed to the responsible and sustainable development and operation of hydropower. Operating in over 120 countries, their members include leading hydropower owners and operators, developers, designers, suppliers and consultants. Around a third (450 GW) of global installed hydropower capacity is directly managed and operated by their membership. IHA’s mission is to advance sustainable hydropower by building and sharing knowledge on its role in renewable energy systems, responsible freshwater management and climate change solutions
The International Tracking Standard Foundation
The The International Tracking Standard Foundation (formerly: International REC Standard Foundation) is a non-profit organization that provides a robust standard for developing attribute tracking systems. The Standard represents a globally recognized standard, which is often referred to as I-REC(E) for electricity.

Klimapartnere is a partnership between academia and public and private enterprises that was established in Arendal in 2009. Since then, Klimapartnere has set up all across Norway, with each region being independent and focusing on local issues. All regions follow the same methodology and overall strategy, and they cooperate across the country in order to reap the maximum rewards from the partnership. Å Energi is one of the key partners in Klimapartnere in Agder
Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE)
The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) in its current form was founded in 1921, is subordinate to the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy and is responsible for managing the country’s water and energy resources. NVE will ensure a comprehensive and environmentally friendly management of watercourses, promote efficient power sales, cost-effective energy systems and contribute to efficient energy use
RECS International
RECS International is a non-profit foundation representing electricity market players. Working with members from Europe and worldwide, RECS International strives to create an open and transparent demand-driven renewable energy market, facilitated by commonly accepted and harmonized tracking systems. RECS International engages with legislators, policy-makers, regulators, and system operators to make the case that effective renewable energy markets can help to accelerate the energy transition and, thereby, make an important contribution to tackling climate change.
Having worked since 2001 to improve and simplify the system of tracked energy RECS International has unmatched expertise in the issuance, trade and cancellation of renewable energy certificates – the process that allows consumers to claim the use of a specific volume and type of renewable energy.

Skift – The Business Community’s Climate Leaders
Skift is made up of the most ambitious companies in Norway with respect to climate change, and Å Energi is a proud to be a member. Skift’s object is to lead the way in identifying new business opportunities on the road to a low-emission society. Member companies have ambitious climate targets and clear climate strategies, and their business activities promote green value creation, create jobs, and reduce emissions. Skift also wants to speed up the transition to a green economy to help meet Norway’s climate targets under the Paris Agreement and the government’s goal of cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 45 percent by 2030
The UN Global Compact
The UN Global Compact is the UN initiative for sustainable business practice. With 10,000 member companies around the world, the UN Global Compact is the world’s biggest sustainability initiative for businesses. Its Norwegian office opened in September 2019. UN Global Compact Norway has over 120 Norwegian members, and Å Energi is one of them. The UN Global Compact aims to inspire businesses to turn challenges relating to sustainability into specific business opportunities and value creation at the same time as demonstrating social responsibility
Zero is an environmental not-for-profit organisation founded in 2002 by a group of former activists and employees from Nature and Youth and from Bellona. Zero has only one priority: the climate emergency. ZERO is working to ensure that we can all make a difference and become part of the solution. Its goal is to promote zero emissions solutions at the expense of ones that do produce emissions. The organisation has no affiliation to any political party. Å Energi has been a partner of Zero since 2017