(European Energy Certificate Scheme Guarantees of Origin)

Here you will find:

EECS GOs: Introduction

EECS GOs: Geographical Presence

EECS GOs: Standard Contract

EECS GOs: Statistics

Oliver Germeroth

+49 179 6612 758

EECS GOs: Introduction

The EECS is maintained and managed by the Association of Issuing Bodies (“AIB”)

The purpose of the AIB is to develop, use and promote a standardised system: the European Energy Certificate System – “EECS”. EECS is based on structures and procedures which ensure the reliable operation of energy certificate schemes in Europe. These schemes satisfy the criteria of objectivity, non-discrimination, transparency and costs effectiveness, in order to facilitate the international exchange of guarantees of origin. In order to further facilitate this, the AIB operates an inter-registry communications Hub.” Source: AIB

EECS GOs: Geographical Presence

  • TSO

Disclaimer: Map boundaries are provided for informational purposes only / Please check the status of a specific registry­ with its administrators / Last updated by EnergyOrigins 12.01.2024

Note: The Belgian regions of Brussels, Flanders and Wallonia each have their own Issuing Body, as do Federal Belgium, which is responsible for offshore wind production

EECS GOs: Standard Contract

The latest standard contract for trading EECS GOs created by RECS International is available here

EECS GOs: Statistics

Production Issuance” statistics illustrate volumes, technologies and locations of issued EECS GOs based on their date of production

Transaction Cancellation” statistics illustrate the volumes, technologies and locations of cancelled GOs, based on their date of cancellation

Note – In this sense, the term “cancelled” is synonymous with “retired”, “redeemed” or “consumed”, for disclosure purposes

Source of Data: AIB / Disclaimer and Copyright: / Last updated by EnergyOrigins 16.07.2024

EECS Total: GO Production Issuance

EECS GOs: Total Renewable Production Issuance

EECS Total: GO Cancellations (for a given year)

EECS Total Renewable Production Issuance Country 2024

Production issuance of renewable GOs for 2024 in total by country

Production issuance of renewable GOs for 2024 in total by country as treemap chart.