UN Sustainable Development Goals
EnergyOrigins, the Environmental Markets team and the UN SDGs
Our team’s daily business operations contribute to several UN SDGs
Case Study: UN SDG 12
A recent report by PwC titled “Climate Change and Electricity European carbon factor Benchmarking of CO2 emissions by Europe’s largest electricity utilities” assessed the proportion of renewable energy in the energy mix of select European utilities
One key finding was that “the companies producing the largest amounts of electricity from renewable energies in Europe do not necessarily have the highest proportion of renewable sources in their energy mix.”
Renewable Electricity Generation as a % of Total Electricity Generation (Europe) (2019)
Made by comparing: “Electricity production in Europe 2017-2019” (Page 8) and “Electricity generated from renewable energy sources in Europe 2017-2019 in TWh (Page 14) of the report
Å Energi Group UN SDG Commitments
Seven of the UN’s 17 sustainability goals are the natural starting point for Å Energi’s continued work on the environment and sustainability
Further reading on Å Energi Group UN SDG commitments is available here