Renewable Energy Certificates, USA
Here you will find:
US RECs: Introduction
US RECs: Geographical Presence

Robert Palme
+41 79 774 78 54
US RECs: Introduction
“Renewable energy tracking and certificate-issuing entities cover the whole of the U.S. and Canada. With the exception of the North American Renewables Registry (NAR), all of these multi-jurisdictional entities were established with the support of U.S. states, which have designated specific tracking systems to be used for issuing and tracking certificates and verifying compliance with state policies or programs.” Source: Centre for Resource Solutions
US RECs: Geographical Presence
Disclaimer: Map boundaries are provided for informational purposes only / Please check the status of a specific registry with its administrators / Last updated by EnergyOrigins 16.02.2022. Source:
NEPOOL GIS The New England Power Pool Generation Information System issues and tracks certificates for all MWh of generation and load produced in the ISO New England control area, as well as imported MWh from adjacent control areas
WREGIS is an independent, web-based tracking system for renewable energy certificates (REC) that covers the Western Interconnection territory
NC-RETS The North Carolina Utilities Commission established the North Carolina Renewable Energy Tracking System to issue and track renewable energy certificates (RECs) and energy efficiency certificates (EECs)
MIRECS The Michigan Renewable Energy Certification System was established by the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) under authority conferred by 2008 PA 295 on October 30, 2009 and serves to collect, issue and track Credits from facilities eligible under Michigan’s Clean, Renewable, and Efficient Energy Act, 2008
GATS The Generation Attribute Tracking System is a trading platform designed to meet the needs of buyers and sellers involved in the renewable energy certificate (REC) market – from homeowners and aggregators to states and other market participants. Each state within the PJM footprint has its own rules and regulations relative to Renewable Portfolio Standards
NAR The North American Renewables Registry™ is a web-based platform to create, track, and manage all renewable energy purchases and their associated renewable energy certificates (RECs) across the United States, Canada and Mexico
M-RETS® – across the US
M-RETS will track environmental attributes used for voluntary claims in all states, provinces and territories in North America. Eligible generation for compliance purposes may be located in Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Ohio, Texas, Wisconsin, and the Canadian province of Manitoba