Naturemade Star
naturemade is the Swiss quality label for energy from 100% renewable sources
Certification is available at two levels – naturemade star and naturemade basic
The quality labels naturemade star: 100% eco-energy and naturemade basic: 100% renewable energy, are awarded for plants producing renewable energy (electricity, heat/cooling and biomethane)
A certification is also available for the supply of energy from these plants to end consumers
The naturemade guidelines must be fulfilled for the Association for Environmentally Sound Energy (VUE) to grant certification

Added value by the naturmade quality scheme
The certification brings credibility through broad support from environmental and consumer organisations and the energy sector
Additional added environmental value:
- Continual improvement of internal environmental performance through the implementation of the mandatory environmental management system
- Guaranteed highest environmental standards regarding the protection of bodies of water and the species for which they provide habitats through naturemade star hydropower certification; Europe-wide best performance standard
- Environmental improvements around plants through dedicated power plant funds ((mit Fonds verlinken)) of naturemade star-certified hydroelectric power plants
Added value for producers:
- Credible evidence of climate-friendly, green energy generation
- Quantifiable, added renewable and environmental value through energy balance reviews
naturemade star for Environmentally Friendly Production
The naturemade star quality label is awarded for energy generated through particularly environmentally friendly processes
naturemade star eco-energy comes from 100% renewable sources such as water, sun, biomass and wind, and the label certifies that further stringent, comprehensive environmental conditions are met
Certification of energy generation under the naturemade star label takes the natural environment, i.e. the plant and animal species living around power plants, into particular account. This is especially important as the ever increasing use of renewable sources of energy impacts on habitats and thus biodiversity
Å Energi & naturemade star, exampled

The power station Laudal lies along the middle section of the River Mandalsåni in the Mandal drainage basin. Laudal is the power station furthest down the Mandal river system. It makes use of a 36-metre drop.
For more power plants please check our Gen-Portal
How can we help you?
Å Energi Vannkraft AS is a licensed seller of GOs, accredited by naturemade for your naturemade star green electricity product
We are proud owners of the Laudal hydro power station approved for naturemade star
Interested in procuring GOs for naturemade? Please get in touch!

Robert Palme
+41 79 774 78 54